Time to preview the 2010-11 Denver Nuggets

Music to listen to: Seventeen by Winger

Last season/offseason changes: This will be one of the more difficult previews to write because the Nuggets may be losing one of the best players in the NBA by the time I write this. For now, weโ€™re going to assume that Carmelo Anthony is going to stay with the Nuggets at least through the first part of the season.

The Nuggets finished last year with a record of 53-29 but struggled in the playoffs because head coach George Karl was out due to medical issues and several players, particularly Kenyon Marin, were hampered with injuries. The end result was a disappointing loss to Utah in the first round.

There were changes to the front office but on the court, the Nuggets have added Al Harrington to the squad to help the frontcourt. He has the potential to be a solid contributor to the squad off the bench.

Strength: If Anthony stays with the Nuggets, Denver will have one of the best scorers of the NBA on its roster.

The thing thatโ€™s impressive with Anthony is that you can see the strides that he has made on the defensive end, particularly rebounding. Heโ€™s never going to be an elite two-way player but does have the ability to not be liable on defense.

The Nuggets do have a good top-four of Anthony, Chauncey Billups, Martin and Nene which can compete with many teams in the league.

Ty Lawson and Chris Anderson are decent contributors as well.

Weakness: The instability of the team.

The Nuggets are a volatile unit that can implode at any moment. You saw them implode when Karl was unable to coach the squad.

Between Billups taking too much control of the offense, Anthonyโ€™s uncertainty of being on the squad, Martin volatile attitude, Birdman being Birdman, you donโ€™t know which Nuggets team will show up.

Most important player: The answer would usually be Anthony but we have no clue if heโ€™s going to stay with the team so Iโ€™ll take Nene as the alternative because the Nuggets arenโ€™t going to reach any of its goals if the interior play doesnโ€™t come up to par.

Celebrity crush from the city: I could have gone with Jessica Biel but technically she is from Boulder. Instead, Iโ€™ll take Eve Torres.


Coaching: I like George Karl and all of us want him to be healthy, but you do have to wonder if he has worn out his welcome in Denver.

Even before he had health issues, you saw the beginnings of the undisciplined play that haunted the Nuggets during the playoffs. Karl has a personality that works for a squad for the first few years but grades on a veteran team over time.

First memory of team: I still remember seeing the 1994 Denver Nuggets, as an #8 seed in the playoffs, beat Seattle in the first round, who had the top record in the West that season. The image of Dikembe Mutumbo celebrating with the basketball on the ground after the win will not be forgotten for a long time.

Best case: A return to the playoffs, fifty win season.

Worst case: Anthony gets traded followed by Billups being shipped out of town, which makes the Nuggets a potential 30-win team.

Uniform grade: The unis are good. I like the dark blue alternate road outfits more than the baby blues. Iโ€™m still waiting for the Nuggets to return to the rainbow colors from the 1980โ€™s. We can all dream. Grade: B

Overall outlook: For the organization and fans of Denver, the Anthony issue needs to be resolved sooner rather than later. If he stays with the Nuggets, they have the potential to be a top-four team in the West and host a playoff series. If the trades take place and departures happen, weโ€™re looking at a 35-win team.

Those are my thoughts, what about yours?

2010 Backdoor Cut Previews:

Atlantic Division

Boston Celtics

Toronto Raptors

Philadephia 76ers

New Jersey Nets

New York Knicks

Central Division

Cleveland Cavaliers

Detroit Pistonsใ€€

Indiana Pacers

Milwaukee Bucks

Chicago Bulls

Southeast Division

Atlanta Hawks

Orlando Magic

Charlotte Bobcats

Miami Heat

Washington Wizards

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"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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